One impact of technology on us as believers is the availability of the online church. There are believers who find this convenient and struggle to see the need to attend a physical church gathering. However, what does the Bible say about our physical fellowship as believers?
In this episode, I discuss 3 reasons why you should attend church in person:
- The Bible instructs believers not to neglect meeting together.
- We see believers in the Bible, both existing and new believers, have regular fellowship together.
- The Church is one of God’s systems for keeping believers accountable and training us.
Listen, learn & enjoy!
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→ Why else should a believer go to church in person?
For more on choosing a church a commit to, check out this post – 3 things to know when you join a new church
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: Terren Hurst on Unsplash
Point 1 on not forsaking our meeting together, believers being added to the church once they believed and yeah accountability (in that order). Recently understanding that church from Ekklesia means the “called out” that is called out to gather together has been another reason. Technically, you can’t gather online only physically.
Yes! Thanks for adding that, Dipo. We have been called out to gather together.
Hello Oyin, thank you for this. What if you find yourself in a country where you can’t get a good Bible based church? There major religion is Greek Orthodox it’s quite different from the regular Christianity. Also, the few pentecostal churches here are not getting it right.
Hello Stephanie, glad you found the post helpful.
If you’re finding it difficult to see a good Bible-based church to attend, here are some things I believe you can do:
1. Be sure that you are diligently and prayerfully searching for a good church.
Give your best effort to the search even much more than you would when looking for a good school to attend or a company to work with.
You could also ask other believers around you or online for recommendations to check out.
I understand that it could demand more from you but it’s a worthy task.
Be sure to ask God to lead you as well. He cares that you belong to a good church so He’ll lead you to one.
2 Keep an open mind as you search. You shouldn’t compromise but be open.
I want to believe there are other believers where you are who attend a Bible-based church. The church may not be popular, easy to notice or big in size but hopefully, there’s one.
You mentioned that the Pentecostal churches around you don’t seem to get it right. It’s important that you define “getting it right” based on the Bible’s parameters.
There might be cultural differences in the churches there compared to what you are used to. However, if a church meets the most important parameters of a good church, then be open to learning and growing there.
Some important factors of knowing a good church are their understanding of the Gospel, their mission mindedness, their charismatic ministry and their theology about money.
You can also check this post where I talked about 3 things to know when you join a new church.
3. While you search but are yet to find a good church to attend in person, then you can continue with the online church for now.
Note that attending an online church might be sufficient for now but it won’t be the best option in the long term especially if you intend to call this new country your home.
While attending online church, you can also put in some safeguards. Choose a good online church to commit to in the interim. Connect with a leader at this church to who you can discuss your current church situation and be accountable. Find a Bible-based physical fellowship around you that you can join or start one if you’re led to. This way, you’ll have other believers to watch out for you where you are.
Finally, don’t stop looking and praying for a good local church to attend.
I hope this helps and I pray that God leads you to a good church to join soon.