So I was pretty excited about September starting but it didn’t exactly start off with the vibes I was expecting. Basically, the first half of the month wasn’t just “it”; I wasn’t feeling the month.
Then I let worry creep in, I got to worry about things I knew I wasn’t going to do anything about; questioning things in my life and considering if I would be courageous enough to make needed changes, disturbing my mind and obviously that began to stress me plus Lagos traffic was just hectic during that period. I was just tired most times.
Mid-month came and boom! I came across Lauren’s Album: Look up Child (you should check it out) and my favourite track: Look up Child. I fell in love with the part of the lyrics below and I knew I had to snap out of the worry mode.
“You’re not threatened by the war
You’re not shaken by the storm
I know You’re in control
Even in our suffering
Even when it can’t be seen
I know You’re in control”
Eventually, I blurted out to someone, listened to the song many times and finally recogned My Father had been with me through it all waiting for me to enjoy my rest in Him.
Is everything “perfect” now? Not exactly. But I know joy is a fruit of my spirit, not just for knowledge sake, I can rejoice always.
Sometimes, I still worry about some things (maybe a lot of things), which is still not good, but I’m glad knowing God is in control and I can look up to Him to help always.
I looked to this verse below (this version even makes it nicer) and reassured again that I’m not alone through the uncertainties of growing up and making decisions.
“God is our refuge and strength [mighty and impenetrable], A very present and well-proved help in trouble.”
-Psalm 46:1 (AMP)
Talking to someone also helps and be sure to be the listening ears to another person. 😌
What do you when things seem overwhelming?